Newspaper Advancement: ANS Issue 2 & Pravda Issue 7 & 8


A.N.S Issue Two
Pravda Issue Seven
Pravda Issue Eight

The United Socialist Republics continues it's work to stablish a socialist, reliable means of communications and press for micronationalists and the micronational community.

The Almendrian News Service, as described in our previous post, is our weekly newspaper that provides a weekly recap of USR news, and goes into all parts of the Union - giving, for instance, a weekly report of Taksovian government affairs, from a neutral and unbiased perspective. The A.N.S is widely known in the community to be a reliable source of information.

The Daily Socialist Pravda, our official government newspaper, is a daily gazette providing 3-10 important USR-related stories - it is known in the community for being a massive success, and, per our metrics, has readers even in micronations outside the U.S.R.

We have worked hard in the Gov't to incentivize and maintain the posting of these newsletters. We will work further to incorporate foreign and macronational news into the Pravda in the near future.


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