Public Agencies

A page for all of our public agencies, so you know how almendria works (NOT FINISHED!!!)

They are divided between those types


General Ministry
General Secretary


Our Public Agencies!!



Ecologic Superministry - Made to severely regulate carbon and other emissions on almendria, as well as protect our planet

Education Superministry - The name says it...


General Ministry of Space Exploration - Made to bring almendria to the starts

General Ministry of Armed Forces - To crush our enemies


Ministry of Police, law & order - To defeat crime on the totality of almendria

Ministry of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations - To establish relations and diplomacy with other nations

Ministry of Economy - Made to help our people prosper and bring us profit!

Ministry of Culture - To promote the arts and culture native of our nation

Ministry of Army - To destroy and conquer the land of our enemies

Ministry of Armament of the Armed Forces - To arm the armed forces, it would be only forces without this!

Ministry of Cyberforces - To help the armed forces with hacking, cracking communications, spamming, etc etc

Ministry of The Internet - To establish influence on the internet, and manage Digital States & Administrations

Ministry of Inmigration - To make our inmigration program the best on the world!


G. Secretary of The Navy - To defeat our enemies at sea, and to help defeat ocean contamination

G. Secretary of the Space Force - To advance our armed forces to the stars and crush alien enemies!

G. Secretary of Armed Forces Cooperative - To coordinate all the armed forces

G. Secretary of Communist Expansion - To expand the wisdom and power of communism to other nations!


Secretary of the ALMUASAP - To educate our people

Secretary of the Red Army - To win money from mercenary activities, and to protect Vassal States

Secretary of Religion and Spiritualism - To keep the country powerful on the spirit world

Secretary of Voting and Democracy - To keep democracy an integral part of our nation and to manage voting on our nation

Economic Regulations Secretary - To kick enterprises in the balls when they do something wrong

Secret Service Secretary - Shh, its secret

Secretary of Armed Forces Management - Strategic subdivision of the armed forces

Secretary of International Affairs - To help us on international alliances

SADE - To keep our webpages updated


Department of Censure - Never used btw, not really useful

Department of Anti-Terrorist Operations - To stop terror on the universe!

Department of Preservation - To preserve the cosmos

Department of Military Media and Propaganda - The name says it

Department of Culture Expansion - To expand our culture

Department of Alliance - To ally with other nations

Department of War - They discuss peace offers when at war

Department of Universal Affairs - To discuss affairs on a universal level

Department of Alien Finding - To find aliens, duh

Department of Spiritual Forces - To keep our nation powerful in mind and matter

Department of Community Vigilance - To let our people collaborate to the safety of the nation


Agency of the Nation - Manages everything that is not managed by other ministries/stuff

Agency of Counter-Espionage - To counter espionage in our nation

Agency of Toilets - To give everyone a place to poop

Agency of Perfume and Cosmetics - To make everyone smell good if they want, also to give jobs

Agency of Food - To make everyone be able to eat and end world hunger


Team of GS4X - No one knows what GS4X is...

Team of the VPSX Project - shhhh or they shall know

Anti Censure Team - To defeat censure!

Those are all of our public agencies. We will soon make this page better


Google Blogger said…
Heyo this is Timothy Schoonover. Ik you said you were taking a break but it's been a bit more than two week and I'm worried that you've left the project or whatever. So if you get this please reply ASAP and lmk if you're continuing or what the deal is.
Email me please –

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