AURC: Defendant pleads guilty to treason

 This story comes from issue 22 of the Daily Pravda - to read the full issue, click here.

According to an announcement by the All-Union Red Court, a defendant, referred to by his initials as KH, has pled guilty to one count of treason. His indictment - released in May - also accused him of enlisting in service against the Government through declaring war on the Communist Union of Almendria, as well as conspiracy to commit a crime.

According to the Almendrian News Service, the defendant is the King of Terrafides, a micronation which has since presumably gone into inactivity but which had declared war on Almendria on the 1st of May. Perhaps in correlation to this long-ended conflict, the defendant stated “I am guilty of doing the moral thing. Of treason, against you? Well, I’d call that the moral thing.” 

The announcement also noted that no plea had been entered on the charges of enlistment against the Government or conspiracy to commit a crime.


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