All-Union Leninist Cadre System

The All-Union Communist Party has announced the formation of the Leninist Cadre System.

The Leninist Cadre System is a system based off Leninist values such as democratic centralism. We aim to transform the AUCP into a Vanguard/Cadre Party.

Cadres now recieve extremely privileged positions, permissions in all server, and access to departmental leadership. Along with this, all Cadres recieve free tuition through TRW (p.k as HU) fully paid for by the Party. This tuition helps them quickly learn extremely useful and important skills such as copywriting, ecommerce, stock trading, etc.

Cadres, however, have extremely strict standards they must adhere to. You cannot be a Cadre if you are not INTELLIGENT, BRAVE AND READY TO SERVE THE UNION. - for instance, no Cadre may be fat. Fitness courses are provided (all cost covered by the Party) for potential cadres.

We believe the stablishment of this system will further increase the productiveness of our High Command and our nation in general.



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