Special Edition #1

Greetings comrades,

We have some exciting news to share with you. The drafting of the Constitution for the Communist Union of Almendria has been completed and it has been ratified by our Supreme Secretary. This is a historic moment for our micronation and a testament to the hard work and dedication of our citizens. The Constitution reflects our commitment to building a new society, based on the principles of unity, libery, and socialism. We encourage all citizens to familiarize themselves with the Constitution and to uphold its principles in their daily lives.

In addition to this momentous occasion, we are also celebrating Victory Day over the Nexus, a pedophiliac micronational regime that was exposed a year ago today. We remember the bravery and sacrifice of those who fought against this evil and we honor their memory by continuing to fight against all forms of oppression and exploitation. This victory is a reminder that when we stand together and fight for what is right, we can overcome even the most daunting challenges.

We are also excited to announce the release of the second issue of Pravda, our official newspaper. This publication is dedicated to promoting socialist ideals and providing up-to-date information about the progress of our micronation and related movements. In this issue, you can expect to find articles covering a range of topics, including the role of Zeprana in the USR, the importance of our renewed space program, and the Amesston Bridge Initiative. We encourage all citizens to read and contribute to Pravda, as it is a valuable tool for building solidarity and promoting the principles of collective action and community that are central to the pursuit of socialism.

You may read the Second Issue here

The second issue of Pravda also features news about the construction of our socialist market, further emphasizing the importance of building productive forces in our pursuit of socialism.

In conclusion, we are proud to announce the completion and ratification of a Constitution, the celebration of Victory Day over the Nexus, and the release of the second issue of Pravda. These events demonstrate our commitment to building a socialist society, based on the principles of equality, justice, and democracy. We encourage all citizens to continue to work towards this goal, and to use the resources available to them, such as Pravda, to stay informed, engaged, and connected with the broader movement towards socialism.

Thank you for your dedication to our cause. Together, we can build a better future for all based on the principles of equality, solidarity, and mutual aid. 


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